The Beginning
From its modest beginning as a small store on Penn Avenue, Pennsylvania to its present status as a multi-facility corporation, the story of Schiff’s is the story of an American dream. Founded by Morris Schiff in 1945, the business operated for 24 years servicing local hotels and restaurants with wholesale food and meat.
Then in 1969, Mr. Schiff’s, confronted with new federal regulations in the industry, informed his employees that he was closing his business. At the time Schiff’s had 4 employees; a manager, a bookkeeper, meat cutter and a driver. Mr. Alyn Scheatzle was employed as the meat cutter.
The young meat cutter from Duryea approached Mr. Schiff’s to purchase the business. Mr. Scheatzle purchased the company from Mr. Schiff and the company became known as Schiff’s Restaurant Services Incorporated. Through Mr. Scheatzle’s direction and leadership, the name Schiff’s became a household word in the Scranton area, as well as in the restaurant industry.
In 1970 Schiff’s celebrated its 25th Anniversary.
To accompany the substantial growth Schiff’s moved to 3410 North Main Avenue in Scranton, which is its present location. The new facility was originally the Kleinberger Pickle Factory, which was a larger physical plant then they had previously. In 1974 Schiff’s opened the first wholesale Cash and Carry, under federal inspection (U.S.D.A). Here the public could shop shoulder to shoulder with the wholesale food customers.
Growth and Change
Over the next several years new departments are added: a deli and bakery featuring homemade local delights, an in-house smokehouse to process Schiff’s famous smoked kielbasi, and a fresh fish and a fresh produce department, but H.R.I. remains the backbone of the business. Employment reaches 135 people. 110 full time, including 20 supervisory personnel and 25 part-time workers.